Hello, stranger

Funny story: I wanted to do a write-up on my thoughts on Banners Broker, so that I could share it with interested people I know. I was going to just write an email or maybe a Word document and send it out to a few people. In the end I decided to put it online, as it’s easier to just send a link, plus all the links within the article itself will work nicely from within a browser. I set up WordPress, wrote the thing, and went to bed.

The next day I woke up to find a few emails asking me to moderate comments and pingbacks from my blog. What? How did anyone find it? I eventually figured out that it was Finch who must’ve discovered the article via a pingback to his blog, and he posted it on a Facebook group page. Soon enough, I discovered that it was being shared and discussed on Facebook and the realscam.com forum. It was a little surprising, but I was glad to get good feedback, and to find that some strangers out there appreciated what I had written. Today I set up Google Analytics and checked out the real-time stats. It turns out I am getting a fair bit of traffic, pretty constantly.

It’s been a pleasant surprise, and I am thinking of writing a follow-up piece, in response to feedback I’ve had from those I have spoken to about my findings regarding Banners Broker. Specifically, the claim that my analysis is a bit off, because I’ve misinterpreted or have been misinformed about the true business model of Banners Broker. Well, I’ve got the facts now from Terry Stern in this response he gives to critics (I was referred to this as a refutation of my analysis). I’ll take a bit of time to pull that apart, if my mind proves supple enough for the mental gymnastics required to comprehend it!

Until then,



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